Welcome to 2010!! I hope everyone who reads my blog had a good year. My year was abit slow when it came to railfanning. Hopefully that will change this year! This year I started doing MSTS videos with some help from my friend Matt. This has helped with the train withdrawl.. I was lucky enough to catch the first NBSR westbound out of Saint John since Christmas Day and it had abit of a sad story. Apparently 2317 threw a rod or two. NBSR was sending it to Quebec to be repaired. On Dec 28th the westbound out of Saint John had in tow 2317 along with it's train. Here's my video of that train. I caught it at the Acamac Backland Rd.
The photo at the start of this blog is the returning eastbound on Dec 29th. The train was stopped outside the Dever Rd Yard for two hours while they waited for a rail to be replaced on the long lead entering the yard. The shot is just west of the Gault Rd. Engineman Gary Graham passses some time by removing snow from the front walkways of 2318.
Like I said earlier I have made some MSTS vids for something different to do on down time that I'm not watching the real thing. I have posted 5 vids on YouTube that I have made. Here are a couple of the vids I've done so far:

Now I want to show you my new railfanning toy.. Every railfan has a bad day by missing the perfect shot or missing a train completely. Even with a scanner it can be tricky to really know where a train is.. Or at least I've had afew misses.. Anywho.. I recently spoiled myself with a two-way radio for my car. It's programmed with all North American railway frequencies in it. I've only had it in my car for about a week and I have to say I'm impressed! I've been able to hear trains about 20 miles away. It's nice to be right in the frequency with them so it comes in nice and clear. Also a nice feature this radio has is a scanning feature. You can program about 19 frequencies to scan and set up priorities. This way you never miss the good stuff.. RTC, etc. The Dec 28th westbound video of mine featured audio from the radio. Now this radio has the capability to talk to trains.. but I have no intention of ever speaking a word on it. Just wouldn't be the right thing to do in my mind! But nevertheless I still think it was worth buying. It's gonna make train chasing a whole lot easier.
Good post, and great video, Dave!
I like your new toy. Too bad it is totally illegal here in Manitoba. :)
Happy new year.
Is it really Steve? I'm not sure if it is here or not but like I say in my post I don't plan on talking on it. It's been working real well. I've been able to hear NBSR trains in Welsford from the westside of the city.
Happy new year to you too
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